

Modèle d'Amélioration de la Qualité pour accroitre ou augmenter la couverture du TDM dans le département de Zou

Le programme Act | West soutient l’élimination et le contrôle des maladies tropicales négligées au Bénin.

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Quality Improvement Model to Improve MDA Coverage in Zou Department: Benin

USAID’s Act to End NTDs | West program supports the elimination and control of neglected tropical diseases in Benin.   Mass drug administration for the elimination a

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WHO standard operating procedures for supply chain management of health products for neglected tropical diseases amenable to preventive chemotherapy

New WHO standard operating procedures--released on July 25, 2022--describes the standard operating procedures for health products for NTDs amenable to preventive chemotherapy and the medicines donated to treat them.
Cover of WHO Guideline

WHO guideline on control and elimination of human schistosomiasis

New WHO guideline--released on February 14, 2022--outlines guidelines for preventive chemotherapy, safety of praziquantel for treatment, WASH and snail control interventions and verification of interruption of transmission of human schistosomiasis. 


Évaluation des installations et des processus des entrepôts de Médicaments des MTN

Cet évènement s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une série de webinaires de renforcement des capacités visant à améliorer les compétences nationales en matière de chaîne d’approvisionnement des programmes de MTN et à créer un espace de partage d’expérience entre pays.

Evaluation of NTD Warehouse Facilities and Processes

This webinar is part of a series of capacity-building webinars to enhance national NTD program supply chain competences and create space for cross-country experience sharing.
Trachoma Surveys: Practical Approaches to Implementing WHO Guidance for Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) Programs in the Context of COVID-19

Trachoma Surveys: Practical Approaches to Implementing WHO Guidance for Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) Programs in the Context of COVID-19

Trachoma baseline surveys, trachoma impact surveys, trachoma surveillance surveys, and trichiasis-only surveys are key disease-specific assessments of trachoma elimination programs, used to start mass drug administration (MDA), monitor progress, decide when to stop MDA, and inform attainment of elimination of trachoma as a public health problem.

Practical Approaches to Implementing WHO Guidance for Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) Programs in the Context of COVID-19: Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) Surveys

This resource document complements the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) guidance for NTD programs released on July 27, 2020.

MDA Waste Management Tip Sheet for District Staff

District health management teams play an important role in managing NTD medicines and waste during mass drug administration campaigns. This tip sheet is a tool for making this job easier.