
SAE Webinar

Severe Adverse Event Webinar

Adverse events (AEs) particularly severe adverse events (SAEs) during and following mass drug administration have a serious effect not only on the people who are affected directly, but also on the viability of the MOH’s national NTD control program.
Webinar sur les Effets Indésirables Graves

Webinar sur les Effets Indésirables Graves

Les effets indésirables (EI) particulièrement les effets indésirables graves (EIG) associés à l’administration de médicaments de masse ont un impact grave non seulement sur les personnes directement touchées, mais aussi sur la viabilité du programme national de lutte contre les maladies tropicales négligées (MTN) du ministère de la Santé.
USAID's Act to End NTDs | West's Kisito Ogoussan

Applying a quality improvement model to neglected tropical diseases program implementation: supporting programs in identifying keys for sustaining operations

West African neglected tropical diseases (NTD) programs have made great progress toward the elimination/control of NTDs amenable to preventive chemotherapy. However, some districts have failed impact surveys—notably for lymphatic filariasis and trachoma—due to implementation inadequacies, despite reporting good mass treatment coverage. A quality improvement framework has been initiated to strengthen country program interventions and address issues that hinder their ability to achieve the World Health Organization NTD road map elimination/control goals.  The workshop aims to present an innovative model for improving implementation and discuss ideas, strategies, and plans for initiating quality improvement (QI) activities. Experiences from Ghana and Sierra Leone in the design and implementation of the QI model will be shared.