
Global Health Science and Practice Technical Exchange

Global Health Science and Practice Technical Exchange

The Global Health Science and Practice Technical Exchange (GHTechX) took place virtually from April 21 - 24, 2021. The event is curated through a partnership between USAID, the George Washington University, and the Global Health: Science and Practice Journal. Our goal is to convene speakers and technical sessions that highlight the latest and greatest in global health, with participants spanning global health experts, students, and professionals from across the global health community.
Webinar sur les Effets Indésirables Graves

Webinar sur les Effets Indésirables Graves

Les effets indésirables (EI) particulièrement les effets indésirables graves (EIG) associés à l’administration de médicaments de masse ont un impact grave non seulement sur les personnes directement touchées, mais aussi sur la viabilité du programme national de lutte contre les maladies tropicales négligées (MTN) du ministère de la Santé.
SAE Webinar

Severe Adverse Event Webinar

Adverse events (AEs) particularly severe adverse events (SAEs) during and following mass drug administration have a serious effect not only on the people who are affected directly, but also on the viability of the MOH’s national NTD control program.