
NTD mapping in Africa

Baseline Mapping of Neglected Tropical Diseases in Africa

Mapping is an essential element for each of the neglected tropical disease (NTD) programs advocated by the WHO.

Line graph figure from article

Restarting Neglected Tropical Diseases Programs in West Africa during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned and Best Practices

In line with the WHO recommendations and guidance issued in April 2020, USAID advised Act | West to temporarily suspend NTD field activities.

SAE Webinar

Severe Adverse Event Webinar

Adverse events (AEs) particularly severe adverse events (SAEs) during and following mass drug administration have a serious effect not only on the people who are affected directly, but also on the viability of the MOH’s national NTD control program.

MDA Waste Management Tip Sheet for District Staff

District health management teams play an important role in managing NTD medicines and waste during mass drug administration campaigns. This tip sheet is a tool for making this job easier.