

Overview of USAID LF TAS Workshop

Dr. Ernest Mensah of FHI 360 delivered an overview of the USAID lymphatic filariasis transmission assessment survey workshop on January 14, 2020.

Aperçu de l'atelier

Le Dr Ernest Mensah de FHI 360 a donné un aperçu de l'atelier de l'USAID sur l'enquête d'évaluation de la transmission de la filariose lymphatique le 14 janvier 2020.

Country Elimination Expectations‐ WHO 2030 NTD Roadmap Goals

Dr. Didier Bakajika of the World Health Organization's Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis presented WHO's expectations for countries seeking validation of LF elimination and the goals of the WHO's 2030 NTD Roadmap.

MDA Waste Management Tip Sheet for District Staff

District health management teams play an important role in managing NTD medicines and waste during mass drug administration campaigns. This tip sheet is a tool for making this job easier.

Act to End NTDs | West Program FY 2019 Work Plan

This work plan contains a detailed description of planned Act to End NTDs | West program activities for FY 2019, covering the period of July 19, 2018 through September 30, 2019.