Our goal
USAID’s Act to End NTDs | West Program supports neglected tropical disease (NTD) elimination and control efforts in 11 countries, as well as activities aimed at mainstreaming NTD programs into national health systems.

Diseases gone

Countries strong

What's new

In Cameroon’s Sangmelima district, MDA has been stopped but Act | West remains vigilant to ensure the disease does not return by using a series of surveys. These images capture the third and final survey that is conducted to ensure that lymphatic filariasis infections have not returned and the population is no longer at risk.
WNTDD banner collage
Most of the 11 West African countries within USAID’s Act to End NTDs | West program celebrated the 5th World NTD Day on January 30, 2024.
Partners' Meeting 1
On November 7-8, 2023, Act | West held a Partners’ Meeting in Dakar, Senegal to recognize the successes and lessons learned from the past five years of USAID’s Act to End NTDs | West program and to establish the path forward for the next three years..
Senegal health worker
In an important step for progress toward lymphatic filariasis elimination among the countries under the Act | West consortium, Senegal’s neglected tropical disease program has advanced to the phase of conducting Transmission Assessment Surveys against lymphatic filariasis...


Some of the latest happenings in Act to End NTDs West. Check out some of the highlights.

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NTDP Emerging Needs for Financial Analysis Workshop
Apr 17, 2024 - Apr 18, 2024
Arlington, VA, USA
See event >
Act | West Partners’ Meeting – Act | West Resources
Nov 07, 2023 - Nov 08, 2023
King Fahd Palace Hotel Dakar, Senegal
See event >
ASTMH 2023 Annual Meeting
Oct 18, 2023 - Oct 22, 2023
Hyatt Regency Chicago, Illinois
See event >


USAID’s Act to End NTDs | West program (Act | West) supports the elimination of five neglected tropical diseases (NTD) in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo. The program seeks to build upon the achievements of USAID’s END in Africa and Envision projects in West Africa, continuing efforts to eliminate lymphatic filariasis, trachoma, and (in selected countries) onchocerciasis as public health problems. It also aims to strengthen national NTD program capacity to sustain treatment for long-term control of schistosomiasis, onchocerciasis, and three types of soil-transmitted helminthiasis (caused by hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms), and to mainstream NTD programs into national health systems.

Featured Resources

Publications & Reports

Brief or Technical Note

Le programme Act | West soutient l’élimination et le contrôle des maladies tropicales négligées au Bénin.

Sierra Leone brief
Brief or Technical Note
This technical brief discusses how the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health adopted a collaborative quality improvement (QI) approach to enhance community engagement and improve MDA coverage in 10 peripheral health units within the four districts that failed pre-TAS.
Sierra Leone FR brief
Brief or Technical Note
Cette fiche technique explique comment le Programme National de Lutte contre les Maladies Tropicales Négligées de la Sierra Leone a adopté une approche collaborative d'Amélioration de la Qualité dans 10 unités de santé périphériques.

Webinars & Learning

Webinar sur les Effets Indésirables Graves
Les effets indésirables (EI) particulièrement les effets indésirables graves (EIG) associés à l’administration de médicaments de masse ont un impact grave non seulement sur les personnes directement touchées, mais aussi sur la viabilité du programme national de lutte contre les maladies tropicales négligées (MTN) du ministère de la Santé.
SAE Webinar
Tool, Training Materials
Adverse events (AEs) particularly severe adverse events (SAEs) during and following mass drug administration have a serious effect not only on the people who are affected directly, but also on the viability of the MOH’s national NTD control program.
USAID's Act to End NTDs | West's Kisito Ogoussan
Meeting Report, Training Materials
West African neglected tropical diseases (NTD) programs have made great progress toward the elimination/control of NTDs amenable to preventive chemotherapy. However, some districts have failed impact surveys—notably for lymphatic filariasis and trachoma—due to implementation inadequacies, despite reporting good mass treatment coverage. A quality improvement framework has been initiated to strengthen country program interventions and address issues that hinder their ability to achieve the World Health Organization NTD road map elimination/control goals.  The workshop aims to present an innovative model for improving implementation and discuss ideas, strategies, and plans for initiating quality improvement (QI) activities. Experiences from Ghana and Sierra Leone in the design and implementation of the QI model will be shared. 

Digital Resources

Cameroon World NTD Day 2021 by
Cameroon World NTD Day 2021
Cameroon World NTD Day 2021. USAID's Act to End NTDs | West Program, HKI/Cameroon
USAIDs Act to End NTDs | West, HKI /Sierra Leone by
USAIDs Act to End NTDs | West, HKI /Sierra Leone
Picture from SCH MDA; using the dose pole to administer treatment to school age children at RC primary school, Mobai Town, Kailahun District.